Decidedly Grateful
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. I Thessalonians 5:18
My goal is to encourage you to count your blessings. Living for God can be a trial or a joy – the choice is yours. There will be no picture of me, the blogger, and no personal facts about me because this page is not about me – it is about the God of my salvation, the strength of my days. You will probably learn a bit about me through my posts simply because we are all the sum total of our experiences but it is not my intention to do anything other than share the joys I see in living for God. As I told someone recently, this is for me – blessing you will simply add to the joy of what I am doing.
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In our neck of the woods fall is here…the heat is on, it’s rainy and blustery and coats are being pulled out of the back of the closet. Sooner or later summer will be a memory. But oh, what a memory.
The house was full of family: grand-kids home from college, great grand-children running through the house, sitting on my dining room table (yes, even after I said not to), playing a game with Papa – and the dog running behind everybody looking for his share of attention.
Now fast forward to the end of August. Everybody is back at school. Great grand-children are excited about their first day in a new school, grand-children are back in college, some starting first or new jobs and meeting new people…and Papa and I are sitting in a quiet house. Almost idyllic, except I miss the babies (yes, even the thirty year old babies).
The sun was shining so I ventured out to the back yard with my music to sit and relax, thinking back on all the fun summer had brought. The song “Every Praise” by Hezekiah Walker was playing and I was singing along. Sitting in my chair I began to look around my garden at all my husband had nurtured over the summer – veggies as well as flowers – my grass was green!! But as I looked over the flower bed I noticed a butterfly hovering on the brick boarder of my flowers. Now, I truly am not a fanciful person but as I watched that butterfly I noticed her wings were moving – in time to the music! She wasn’t flying, just perched on the brick with her wings moving in time to the words of worship that were coming forth. I grabbed my phone and got it on video and sent it to my sister-in-law. I wish there was some way I could show you on this blog.
Psalm 150:6 says “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” God created this earth and all of its inhabitants to praise Him. Could He have even meant the butterfly? He let it be known that if we didn’t praise Him the stones would (Luke 19:40). We were created to bring honor and glory to God through our worship (Revelation 4:11).
David danced before the Lord and was willing to do even more if it was required of him. In Psalm we are exhorted to worship Him over and over…on the psaltry and harp, the high sounding cymbals. Clap your hands all ye people…shout unto God with a voice of triumph. But in Psalm 150 we are told “Everything that hath breath praise the Lord”. Isaiah55:12 tells us that the mountains and hills shall break forth…into singing and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. What a sight that must be – to hear the rocks singing Hallelujah and the trees clapping the rhythm!!
Now I can’t tell you whether my butterfly was worshipping it’s creator or not – I’m certainly not trying to start a new doctrine – but I think I find enough scripture about praise and worship to at least support the possibility. But more importantly, just seeing those wings move in sync with my music gave me such a rush of joy. I felt I was in touch with God through His creation and He was pleased enough with my worship to give me a tiny companion to encourage me to keep praising Him.
I’ve heard people say, especially as of late, that it is hard to live for God – it’s a drudgery and not worth the effort it takes. I so disagree! It’s not always easy but it’s only hard if you blame God for what you are going through. Instead, try thanking Him for going through your hardship with you. It can be hum drum if you’re just going through the motions. But if you’re taking time to talk to Him each day, read His word then talk about Him throughout your day you will find yourself getting excited. Not just excited, but a little “proud” or boastful about what He’s done for you, or what He showed you in His word that day. You will want to praise and worship our God.
I’m thanking God today for my butterfly and praying you will see a “butterfly” in your day keeping step with you as you put one foot in front of the other with a smile in your heart saying “Thank you, my dear sweet Jesus”.